If you live in the Helendale, CA area, we warmly invite you to come visit one of our services! This web page is set up to give you updates on what is happening at our growing church and more information about who we are. We encourage you to go to our "about us" page and watch the video of how God brought our pastors here. We are a fun loving group of people who love God and love people. Come check us out and jump into the river, the water is great!
Sunday Service at 10:00am
Youth Sunday School: 9 am
Mid- week Prayer: Thursdays at 4 pm
Youth Group: Wednesdays at 6 pm
Also, quarterly Mid-week life groups
The decor: We've been working hard for years to update the church, keeping beautiful traditional aspects as well as upgrading others to reflect the fact that this church is a place for all generations.
Our family: We are a mix of both senior adults and young families. We have an exceptional kids ministry that is well run and organized. The kids love being here. We are a very friendly bunch who love each other and love our guests. We will try not to embarrass you with our affection. :)
The music: Our music is a mix of a few older songs with a few brand new songs. Although we sing some older songs our style is modern/contemporary. We draw music from Hillsong, Bethel, Chis Tomlin, Elevation worship and a vast arrange of Christian artists and worship leaders. Songs are projected on the wall for all to follow along to.
Length of service: Services typically last around 1 1/2 hrs long from start to end. If you need to leave early, that is ok too.
We are Pentecostal: Simply put, we believe God is a supernatual God and He intervenes in the lives of people in supernatual ways. In our services, people have been healed and found specific words spoken over them that have been a testimony to the reality of God and His love for them. We do not flaunt the working of the Holy Spirit. In fact, you may not even notice our Charismatic aspect if you visit, but if you do, we hope you are blessed.
Our pastor: Pastor Nick Bodlovich is the most Senior pastor our church. Pastor is a graduate from Christian Life International Bible College and has been involved in ministry since 1990s. Currently Pastor Nick also serves on our city council and is deeply involved with the community at large. See his Facebook profile to learn more or invite him out for coffee. :)
Kids programs: We have an amazing children's church progam that serves children from infants up to the 6th grade. Each of our children's church workers are trained and have been had thourogh background checks done by public safety officials. Our priority is for our children to learn about the Lord in a fun and safe environment. Our program runs every Sunday for the duration of the service. Bring your kids, they will beg to come back next week.
Youth program: Jonathan and Tracey Leach are our youth pastors and lead a budding youth ministry that currently meets Sunday mornings at 9:00am and also at church on Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Each year we also take our youth to a larger youth conferences where they have a blast, meet new friends and have powerful encounters with God.
Jesus Lives
Jesus Saves
Jesus Answers